Thursday, December 5, 2013

English Lessons

Yesterday I taught the Thanksgiving lesson I prepared last week.  The students weren't in class last Wednesday, and they did not have school on Thursday.  Though I was about a week late, the kids still loved it!  I created a Prezi and discussed the first Thanksgiving and then talked about how we celebrate Thanksgiving today.  I also showed pictures to go along with the content.  The students especially loved the pictures from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  At the end of the lesson, I introduced the activity we would be completing.  I thought it would be fun for the students to create hand turkeys and tell what they are thankful for.  The students were excited!  They did not finish them, but we will be completing them by the end of the week.  I can't wait to show you all the finished products!

Today's lesson was on American history, but I had to narrow that down because it's a very broad subject.  I only had 30-35 minutes to give my lesson, which isn't a lot once you take away the time it takes the teacher to translate everything I say into Swedish for the students.  I decided to do my lesson on some of the explorers of America because the Swedish students have been studying the Vikings, and one of the Vikings was the first European to land in America, close to Canada.  The students seemed very intrigued throughout the lesson and very interested.  For this lesson, the students will be working in pairs.  They will be pretending they are explorers and have to create a newly discovered land.  They will name the land, tell who it was discovered by, describe the food sources available, what types of land features there might be, and where it was discovered at.  I think this will be a great way to have the students discuss different features and use teamwork to create the finished product.  We will be working on this activity tomorrow as well.  I'll post pictures as soon as I can.

On another note, we have five days until we are home!  I am so excited, but I'm trying not to count the days.  Hopefully they'll go by a little quicker that way.  I need to start packing and getting everything ready to go!  I can't wait to see my family, especially Aubrey and Cody!  On top of that excitement, I graduate from college four days after we get back!  I have so much to do, and I'll be glad to be able to do it all when I return!

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